April 2009

My girls seem much better today so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to resume my regular gym sessios next week. I want to make good and sure they’re 100% before I take them to the gym daycare.

To shake things up, I tried a workout video today: Women’s Health Ultimate Fat Burn. It was not too challenging in terms of movments etc. but the pace was good and I enjoyed it. The only probem was I got a little carried away with some of the side to side jumps and went over on my right ankle a bit (OUCH!) so had to stop the DVD while I hopped around on one leg and swore for about two minutes….

After I recovered, I went back to it and just toned down the jumping a bit. I got a good calorie burn out of it so I’m pretty happy!

Duration: 33 minutes
Avg. HR: 152
Max. HR: 173
Calories: 519

Food-wise, I’ve been doing pretty well this week. In spite of PMS and feeling bloated, the scale hasn’t gone up much (about 1 lb. as opposed to 4-5 lbs. I usually gain….) so I might have actually lost some weight this week. I’m getting closer and closer to 90% compliance on the Precision Nutrition Program and it’s getting easier to plan my meals. I’m feeling pretty darn good!

Have a great weekend everyone. It’s Fiesta right now in San Antonio so we’ll be busy attending some of the parades/festivals/fairs throughout the city this weekend. I plan on doing lots of walking – if my ankle doesn’t swell up.

My littlest one threw up on the way to the gym last Friday and has been down with a nasty stomach bug ever since.  My older daughter got it, too, so Lynndy and I were cleaning up vomit and poo all weekend long.  Because she wasn’t feeling well, the baby just wanted to be held all the time so my housework and workouts suffered as a result.   She seems on the mend today so I was finally able to get both girls to nap (at the same time) long enough to squeeze in a treadmill workout at home.  One of my fitness group friends suggested a treadmill interval workout from Oxygen magazine and it really kicked my butt:


Here are my stats:
Duration: 27 mins.
Avg. HR: 158
Max HR: 185
Cals. burned: 453 (Sweet!)
It felt so good to do SOMETHING active!
Also, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror today as I was getting changed and realized I’m really getting smaller and more defined.  Yay!  It’s taken a long time for me to accept that the numbers on the scale don’t necessarily indicate all the progress I”m making.  Even though I haven’t lost according to the scale, I can see big changes in my overall body composition.   I’m really happy with my progress and am really enjoying my workouts.   

My daughters and I were about 1 mile away from the gym when my littlest one decided to pull a Linda Blair and projectile vomited ALL over herself and her carseat.  Needless to day, i had to turn around and go back home.  After dismantling the carseat and pulling the cover and foam padding off, washing it and my daughter off, and letting everything airdry, I’m finally sitting down for a breather and quick lunch (the apple chicken casserole from GN – YUM!!!). 

Instead of a gym workout (NROLW) I’ll do some HIIT circuits at home.  Probably my old standby:

50 turns of jumprope
10 burpees10 pushups
10 BW squats

rest 30 seconds…..and repeat – 5X 
I also ordered my GYM BOSS interval timer today!  yay!  I can’t wait to start using it….
I’ll try to hit the gym again tomorrow (without the kids!)

 PS. Despite the throwing up, the little one seems fine – just not very hungry…..I’ll keep her hydrated and make sure she rests….hopefully she’ll be in good shape by Easter Sunday.

My last A workout for this stage!

Warmup: 4 mins on elliptical @ level 9

1arm DB snatch: 3 sets of 6 @ 25 lbs. (+5)

DB single-leg romanian DL: 3 sets of 6 @ 50 lbs. (+10)

Barbell bent over row: 3 sets of 6 @ 65 lbs (+20)

DB single arm overhead squat: 3 sets of 6 @ 15 lbs (5lb/10lb. dumbells. These kill me in spite of the light weights!)

Plank: 3 sets of 90 seconds – AArgh….my HRM keeps cutting out when I do these….maybe the strap isn’t tight enough…..annoying….

Reverse woodchop: 3 sets of 6 @ 20 lbs.

I was supposed to do a Body Weight Matrix (kind of a HIIT circuit.) but there is not really enough room to do it at the gym. I’ll try to do it later tonight.

Duration: 58 minutes
Avg. HR: 142
Max HR: 171
Calories: 771

So far, my food has been pretty good today – although I did resort to one of those Uncrustables PBJ sandwiches as a PWO meal…

I’ve got some beef in the crockpot (with lime, garlic and salsa) for a taco salad for supper tonight – MMMM! I love Taco Salad! Of course – no tortilla chips for me….but I don’t care – it’s still yummy…..

Right now, I’m wondering what my caloric intake should be, approximately. Right now, I’m aiming for 1900 cals. daily but wonder if I should be eating more…. When I did a calorie calculator  I put myself as lightly active…..but am wondering if, as a SAHM, I might be considered moderately active…..?

My daughters are napping right now but, when they wake up, we’re headed to the supermarket to stock up on some PN compliant foods! I gots to get me some MEAT!!!!

I just got off the treadmill – whew!  Today I did HIIT.  I did intervals of 1 min. progressive sprints: 8.0mph, 8.2mph, 8.4mph, 8.6 mph, and back down to 8.4mph (the 8.6 just about killed me!) with rests of 2 1/2 minutes at 4.2mph.  I warmed up and cooled down for 4 minutes. 

Duration: 24 minutes
Avg. HR: 152
Max. HR: 184
Calories burned: 379

I noticed today that my HR recovery was much improved!   I forgot to add that I also ran 3 miles outdoors yesterday.  I was surprised that I had the stamina for today’s workout after all that but….I had no trouble!


I was so tired this morning I left for the gym without eating anything.  I snagged some of the string cheese and turkey that I’d prepared for the girls’ snacks (I usually pack snacks and a PWO shake in a cooler to keep in the car for the drive home from the gym.) 
Warmup – 4 mins on elliptical at level 10 resistance. 
rdl/bent over row:  3 sets of 6 @ 65lbs. (+10)
Partial single-leg squat: 3 sets of 6 @ BW+25 lbs. (I used a 25lb. plate, held close to my chest.) (+ 25)
Wide grip lat pulldown: 3 sets of 6 @ 80 lbs. (+ 10)
Back extension: 3 sets of 6 @ BW (I don’t like the set up of this at our gym.  It puts lots of pressure on the backs of my knees….I need to improvise….)
YTWL: 3 sets of 6 @ 16 lbs. (+ 6)  I was really proud that I could increase my weight on this…..:)
I skipped the prone cobra and swiss ball crunch.  I’ll use our ab machine at home, instead.  We have an ab coaster and despite my skepticism – it really works.  I’m sore for DAYS after using it….)
HIIT:  I was kind of tired after lifting (probably from not eating enough…) so only did 3 speed intervals.  I did, however, reach 8mph. during my speedwork…and recovered at 4.3mph. 
Duration:  1 hr. 2 minutes
Avg. HR: 142 bpm
Max HR: 178 bpm.
Calories burned: 875!
It felt so good to work out again…..