February 2009


Here’s what I did today.  I skipped the HIIT today because I was pressed for time and a bit tired from the trekking class yesterday.  I may add it onto Saturday’s workout, instead. 

Deadlift (I’m still getting used to using the Oly bar and adjusting my form. )  2 X10 @ 65 lbs (total)
Bulgarian split-squat: 2 X 10 @ 25 lbs.  This was easier today.  My balance seems to be improving. 
Underhand Lat pull-down: 2 X 10 @ 70 lbs. (the cable machines feel heavier than my crossbow resistance machine at home. )
Reverse lunge from box: 2 X 10 @ 20 lbs.  These were also easier today…I think i’ll up the weight next time. 
DB Prone Cuban Snatch:  2 X 10 @ 10 lbs.  I went down to 5 lb. dumbells this time and my form was much better. 
Swiss ball crunch 2 X 10 @ BW+25lbs.

Reverse crunch: 2 X 10 @ BW

Lateral flexion:  I skipped these….i just don’t get how they work….
Prone Cobra: 2 sets of 40 seconds (that was all I could do!)
Duration: 50 mins
Avg. HR: 135
Max. HR: 172
Cals. burned: 581

When I was working out today at the gym today, there were all kinds of women lifting “weights”.   When I say “weights”,  I mean barbie-dumbells…..  The irony is that I’m sure that many of these women are mothers and are carrying around babies/toddlers that are at least 20 lbs with no problems.    But they think that 5-8 lb weights constitute a good workout……  I guess I shouldn’t judge – I used to be one of those women, too.  But now that I know better…I’m happy to say that I’m DOING better.    I wonder what they think of me as I grunt and groan, deadlifting 65 + lbs…….

Tomorrow is a rest day but we’re heading to the park in the a.m. for a playdate so it will be more “active” rest than lazy-rest 🙂

I attended my first Trekking class at the gym today.  It’s basically a small class (5-6 treadmills) and we did speed intervals and hill climbs for about 50 minutes.  It was nice to do this kind of training with an instructor to cheer/push you on.  Here are my stats:
Duration: 1 hour (I did a bit of my own warmup before the class started.)
Avg. HR: 157
Max. HR: 191
Calories burned: 916 (CRAZY)
Puke factor : about an 8….( My face was purple when I looked in the mirror in the changeroom!) 
Because of my killer calorie-burn….I get to eat 2500 calories today.  Now, I have to whip up something tasty, healthy and calorie-dense for supper!
I made it to the gym today and got to work out for about 30 mins before someone from the child care center came to get me.  Apparently, my baby just wasn’t doing so well – she cried nearly non-stop and they figured it was time for mommy to take over.   I was kind of disppointed to cut my workout short but also felt so bad that my little one had such a hard time.   I chalk it up to the fact that everyone has bad days….
Here is what I did:
Warmup on elliptical; 5 mins
Front squat/push-press: 2 sets of 10 @ ezcurl bar + 10 lbs. (how much does an ez curl bar weigh?  I tried it with the olympic bar and it was just too heavy/awkward.)
Step up: 2 sets of 8 @ 50 lbs. (I increased my weight but could only do 8 reps.  )
Dumbell 1-pt. row: 2 sets fo 8 @ 40 lbs. (this was where I got interrupted and had to quit.)
(Luckily, I have the equipment to finish this up at home….. )
Duration: 28 mins:
Max HR: 174
Avg. HR: 140
Cals. burned: 344
While the girls were napping I finished up the workout:
Static Lunge: 2 x 10 @ 40 lbs.
Push-up (on a step): 2 x 8 @ BW ( gosh these are hard…but I really want to be able to do them military-style someday soon!)
Plank: 2 x 60 seconds.
Cable reverse woodchop: 2 x 10 @ 60 lbs.
I have no idea what I burned – i didn’t bother with the HRM…..  I’m just glad I finished the workout.  
Tomorrow, I have an appointment with a fitness specialist who will guide me through all the various machines at the gym.  I really need to do this since I’m completely new to using the squat racks/ barbells etc.  I am also signed up for a Trekking class, which involves sprints/ hill climbs on a treadmill.  I suspect it will be a tough workout.  I just hope the baby is in a better mood and I don’t have to cut my consultation/workout short. 

Considering I was up at 4:30 a.m., I’m SO proud I made it to the gym today (with girls in tow, at peak rush-hour!)  I was so excited to use all the different equipment!  Here’s what I did today:

Deadlift: 1 set of 10 @47 lbs(just with the bar), 1 set of 10 @ 57 lbs. (I did the regular deadlifts b/c this was my first time using a bar.  I’m not sure my form is right but I’ll keep at these until I feel ready to vary.)


Bulgarian Split Squat: 2 sets of 10 @ 25lbs. (holy hard to balance myself!)


Underhand-grip Lat pulldown: 1 set of 10 @50, 1 set of 10 @ 60


Reverse lunge/forward reach:  2 sets of 20 @ 16 lbs.  (I felt like a weirdo doing these in public.  In fact, I felt like this one guy was very curious about my “routine”.  He kept watching whenever I’d move on to something new.  Not creepy – just curious…… )


Dumbell Prone Cuban Snatch: 2 sets of 10 @ 16 lbs.


Swiss Ball Crunch; 2 sets of 10@ 25 lbs.


Reverse Crunch: 2 sets of 10

Lateral Flexion:  I don’t get the point of these.  I tried a couple of variations and they just felt weird.  I was pressed for time so skipped it today. 


Prone Cobra: I have to confess I only did one of these….for about 60 seconds.  I just felt so defeated after not being able to “get” the lateral flexion and was ready to try to squeeze in some HIIT.  It was the girls’ first extended period at daycare and I didn’t want to take too much longer. 


Interval Training on treadmill: 13 mins. total (alternating 2 mins @ 4.2mph./ 1 min. 7.5) 


Duration: 1 hour 3 mins.

Avg. HR: 146

Max. HR: 181

Calories burned: 856!  (I almost wish I didn’t burn so many calories now that I have to eat them all back! LOL)


Today is our anniversary so I have to run and start cooking a romantic dinner.  Thanks for checking in!


I did my first stage 2 workout today and, man, it was tough! I think I lost some muscle strength this past week but it felt good to get back into it.


 Front Squat Push Press: I went ahead and did this with the 20 lb. dumbells even though I knew they’d be a bit too heavy (but probably easier than holding 3 lighter dumbells in each hand!) I could only do 5 reps on the first set and 3 reps on the second. I think it would be easier to do with more weights at my disposal and a barbell…

Front Squat Push Press (but I do the last part on my toes.)

Front Squat Push Press (but I do the last part on my toes.)



Step-up: 2sets of 10 reps @ 40 lbs. (I raised my step bench up even higher and placed it on the treadmill for maximum height.)

Dumbell 1 pt. row: 2 sets of 10 @ 40 lbs. (it was SO hard to keep my balance. I’m glad I was doing this at home. I was swaying like a tree in the wind!) Static Lunge Rear foot elevated: 2 sets of 10 @ 40 lbs. (I could easily go up on these weights. I have a call into a nearby gym to see if they’l waive their sign-up fee to make it more affordable…)

Pushup: 2 sets of 7 reps @ BW (I did military pushups on my step. It was too tough to complete the full set each time.)

Plank: 2 sets @ 60 seconds each (I”m SO proud I could complete both sets without stopping short. It kind of reminded me of being in labour – haha!)

Reverse Cable wood chop: 1 set @ 40 lbs., 1 set @ 60 lbs. (my Crossbow only has lower cable height so I did this instead of the regular wood chop)



Avg. HR 129

Max HR: 166

Duration: 45 mins

Calories burned: 487 (and I have to eat back all those calories!)

PWO snack: Jay Robb Chocolate protein with 1 cup f.f. greek yogurt and 2 tbsp. almond butter. YUM!


It looks like I’ll finally be able to join a gym.  We’re cutting back in other areas to make it happen but I think it will be great for both the girls and I.  The gym has a beautiful outdoor splash pad, rock climbing wall, kids play area and even a mommy and me yoga class.  I’m going to go tomorrow to check it out and sign-up! 

Well, after being at the same weight for over two months, I consulted with one of the nutrition/fitness gurus over at Livestrong.com.  He took a look at my food diary and said the following:


Geez Midori, you have to eat more!  Your goal is 1,700 but you rarely net over 1,200 and are often far below that.  You’re working too hard to have that low of a calorie intake.  Make any sense?
Your new project is to keep working out just like normal, but net OVER 1,700 for 2 weeks with healthy food.


So….knowing the miracles he’s been able to work with others and based on his own amazing transformation – I’m going to follow  his advice – for two whole weeks.   Hey, this blog is all about the journey so….why not delve into uncharted territory???!!  I have to be honest and say that I’m terrified of gaining weight during this time.  On the other hand, I’ve been so frustrated with this plateau that I have, indeed, questioned whether or not I’ve been eating enough.  I guess I”ll find out in two weeks.  Stay tuned.  Oh, and please check out my food diary (in the links section) to see, exactly, how I’m making up all those extra calories.  (I just found out that my diary was “locked” but I’ve opened it up so anyone should be able to view it.)

Today’s workout consisted of some Interval training on the treadmill for 20 mins.  I alternated sprints of 7.4 mph with recovery phases of 5.3 mph.  I burned 306 calories doing this – talk about “bang for your buck”!  If you’ve never done interval training – you really should add it to your repertoire.  It does a body good!

K – now I have to sign off and EAT MORE! 

Thanks for stopping by!


Well, I just got back from my run/walk with the girls.   Man, what a workout. 
First of all, I should preface this by saying that my double-jogger weighs about 65 lbs. before kids.  Add my two girls and I’m pushing about  125lbs! 
So…off I went, imagining that I’d be able to run most of the way – after all I’m “ironwoman”, right?  MMMMM…..not so much…..
I ended up running most of the downhill portions and doing some intervals on the many, many uphill parts.  Here are my stats:

Duration: 51 mins.
Distance: 2.63 miles
Avg. HR: 158 bpm
Max HR: 186 bpm
Calories burned: 803

We stopped at the park so I could stretch and cool down and so the girls could stretch their legs and run around.  It was a beautiful afternoon,  76 degrees, sunny and very breezy.  I feel I’ve more than earned my chocolate, yogurt, almond butter protein smoothie!

Being a busy mom of two little girls, I’ve been struggling with buying, preparing, and eating foods that are minimally processed.   I’ve been tracking my eating for many months now but have only just realized how much sodium I was ingesting on any given day.   Because I’ve hit a bit of plateau (on the scale) some of my fellow Livestrong members have suggested I focus on two things: 


1. reduce my sodium intake (they differ on how much I should reduce but I’m aiming for about 1500-1700 mg./day);

 2. Try to get my percentage of sugars to add up to less than 25% of my daily carb intake.  So…if I have 100 grams of carbs,  I should aim for 25 grams or less of sugar. 


When I’ve lost weight in the past, I focused primarily on a drastic reduction in calories.  I didn’t really have to worry too much about ensuring I was eating well enough to fuel intense workouts.   I recall going to the gym and lightly jogging on the treadmill and thinking I’d really pushed myself if I burned 200 calories!  Oh how things have changed!    Because my workouts are so intense, it’s really important that I’m properly fueling my body to prevent it from going into conservation/starvation mode.  I noticed that one of the Biggest Loser contestants this week was reprimanded by his trainer for not eating enough.  His weight loss had stalled and the trainer told him to start feeding the machine so it would start burning calories again.  Well, he did – and he lost double-digits that week.  (not that I have any desire to lose that much in a week….it’s just not healthy….but I think it’s a good example of the point I’m trying to make. ) 

Anyway….I’m learning and re-learning constantly that a calorie isn’t just a calorie.  It’s important and beneficial to feed your body the highest quality food you can – especially if you are working out.  Now, this can be a pretty steep learning curve for some people (and I’ve certainly endured my share of frustration at just how much information I’ve had to digest in order to lose weight this way) but I really do believe it’s worth the effort.   I’m hoping that, when the weight finally comes off, I’ll have enough information and life-long habits that I’ll be able to work with my body to keep the weight off  – or even challenge myself to work toward new goals! 

I’ve been watching my sodium intake this week (I can only focus on one thing at a time, people!) and have noticed that I’m feeling so much better – today especially.  Now, I don’t want to jinx it….but I think the number on the scale has even dropped a bit.    Dropping your sodium intake requires you to eat a lot less processed foods and I think that’s what’s making me feel better.  Less processed foods means less preservatives, food-dyes and all that other stuff that doesn’t come directly from nature.  In addition to eating healthier,  I’m also feeling a lot more full and satisfied.  I feel like I’ve eaten so much today and I still have 1100 calories left to eat!   This is such a different feeling than when I did weight watchers.  I was starving all the time, so I ate lots of the 0-points foods (usually leafy or cruciferous veggies) and was still hungry but also incredibly bloated and gassy!  Not fun….

So, even though this journey has taken a lot longer than it would if I’d gone on a starvation diet….I feel better about the progress I’m making and more confident that the results will be permanent.   Eating and living well just makes you feel so much better than depriving yourself.  It may take a while, but you will actually enjoy the process.  If you don’t believe me – try it for a month and see how you feel.  Tell me if I’m not right. 

Today is a cardio day and I’m just waiting for the girls to wake up from naptime so I can strap them into the Babyjogger for a run.  It’s so gorgeous outside today I just coudn’t imagine running on the treadmill when the weather is like this.  I’m kind of excited to wear my heart-rate monitor and see just how many calories I can burn by pushing that heavy stroller, with two kids up and down all the hills in our neighborhood!  I’ll give my report either later today or tomorrow.  Stay tuned!


Today is the first day of my “rest week” and I’m already thinking I might cut it short and get back to the program.  I was really itching to lift some weights today.  We’ll see how the rest of the week goes.

I ran on the treadmill today at home and found it really boring.  I think I need to find something else to do to hold my interest this week.  I may do a couple of exercise DVD’s  just to mix things up.

Today, I did 41 minutes on the treadmill (some intervals, some regular pace) and burned 619 calories. Thank goodness for my HRM or else I would have stopped sooner,  but I was bound and determined to burn at least 500 calories (and then, when I reached that, I decided to go for 600!)

Tomorrow will be a rest day and then I have to get creative with Thursday’s workout…. stay tuned! 

In regards to my eating, I’m feeling a bit frustrated that there hasn’t been any movement on the scale (and, yes, I feel like a hypocrite for worrying about what the scale says!  But, hey, I’m HUMAN!!!)  I’m going to consult some of the experts on livestrong.com this week, get them to look at my food diary, and see if I can get some feedback on things I can do to get the scale moving again.  I don’t care if I lose less than a pound a week – I would just like to see SOME progress.   I’m pretty sure I’ll have to tweak my macronutrient ratios (percentage of carbs/protein/fats.)  In the meantime, I’m really going to focus on upping my caloric burn this week.  We’ll see if I can burn even more than 2300 this week. 

Tomorrow is a rest day.  I’m heading to a Valentine’s playdate with my daughters and expect to do battle with all the “goodies” that the other moms will bring.  I’ll TRY to stick to my veggie plate and stay away from anything too sweet or fattening – I want to save my cheat meal for Valentine’s Day!

Well, that’s the last special workout for Stage 1.  This week I’ll take a break from lifting and focus on my running.  If I get bored, I may cut the break short but that’s the plan for now…
Again, the special workouts are designed to showcase the strength gains you’ve made at the end of each NROLW Phase.  I did as many reps as I could, using the weights I started the program using. 
Deadlift: 1 set of 50 @ 16lbs.
Shoulder press: 1 set of 45@ 16 lbs.
Lat Pulldown: 1 set of 75 @ 40 lbs.
Rear static Lunge: 1 set of 40 (each side) @ 16 lbs.
Ball Crunch: 1 set of 75 @ BW+ 8lbs.
Duration: 31 mins.
Avg. HR: 119
Max. HR: 164
Total cals. burned: 292 cals.
PWO snack was my usual favorite: Jay Robb chocolate protein powder, 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1 tbsp. almond butter and ice. 
I wasn’t sure how my stamina would be today after yesterday’s run, but I was just fine.  I’m really glad to have this last workout completed so I can just rest and run this week.   I plan to begin Stage 2 of  NROLW next Tuesday.   Until then, I plan to enjoy the free time to run on the treadmill and outdoors (I’m anxious to see my HR when I push the double jogging stroller up the hills in our neighborhood!)

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