My husband is off this week for his first vacation in over two years. It’s been GREAT – but I think I indulged a bit too much this past weekend ( we had some beer on the back porch and that led to pigging out on other “bad” things…)

Yesterday, however, I got back on track. I left the kids with hubby and went to the gym for my NROLW workout. I did Stage 5, Workout B2:

4 sets of 4 reps for all exercises:

rdl/bent-over row: 65lb, 70 lb, 70, 70

Partial SL squat: 25lb, 25, 25, 25

Wide-grip Lat pulldown: 80, 70, 70, 70 (I had to go down in weight since I hurt my shoulder last week. It’s still kinda tender…)

Back extension: 25, 25, 25, 25

YTWL: 16, 16, 16, 16

HIIT: 15 mins @ 3% incline, sprint: 8.5mph/ rest: 3.5 mph.

I don’t know how many cals. I burned since I forgot my HRM…..

Today, I got up early and did a 3 mile run. It was so HUMID (90% humidity right now!) and hot but I found it much easier than last week’s run. I burned 500 calories – woo hoo!

Hope everyone has a great day!