My littlest one threw up on the way to the gym last Friday and has been down with a nasty stomach bug ever since.  My older daughter got it, too, so Lynndy and I were cleaning up vomit and poo all weekend long.  Because she wasn’t feeling well, the baby just wanted to be held all the time so my housework and workouts suffered as a result.   She seems on the mend today so I was finally able to get both girls to nap (at the same time) long enough to squeeze in a treadmill workout at home.  One of my fitness group friends suggested a treadmill interval workout from Oxygen magazine and it really kicked my butt:
Here are my stats:
Duration: 27 mins.
Avg. HR: 158
Max HR: 185
Cals. burned: 453 (Sweet!)
It felt so good to do SOMETHING active!
Also, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror today as I was getting changed and realized I’m really getting smaller and more defined.  Yay!  It’s taken a long time for me to accept that the numbers on the scale don’t necessarily indicate all the progress I”m making.  Even though I haven’t lost according to the scale, I can see big changes in my overall body composition.   I’m really happy with my progress and am really enjoying my workouts.