Well, that’s the last special workout for Stage 1.  This week I’ll take a break from lifting and focus on my running.  If I get bored, I may cut the break short but that’s the plan for now…
Again, the special workouts are designed to showcase the strength gains you’ve made at the end of each NROLW Phase.  I did as many reps as I could, using the weights I started the program using. 
Deadlift: 1 set of 50 @ 16lbs.
Shoulder press: 1 set of 45@ 16 lbs.
Lat Pulldown: 1 set of 75 @ 40 lbs.
Rear static Lunge: 1 set of 40 (each side) @ 16 lbs.
Ball Crunch: 1 set of 75 @ BW+ 8lbs.
Duration: 31 mins.
Avg. HR: 119
Max. HR: 164
Total cals. burned: 292 cals.
PWO snack was my usual favorite: Jay Robb chocolate protein powder, 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1 tbsp. almond butter and ice. 
I wasn’t sure how my stamina would be today after yesterday’s run, but I was just fine.  I’m really glad to have this last workout completed so I can just rest and run this week.   I plan to begin Stage 2 of  NROLW next Tuesday.   Until then, I plan to enjoy the free time to run on the treadmill and outdoors (I’m anxious to see my HR when I push the double jogging stroller up the hills in our neighborhood!)